probably the best wish for this year :’)

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I wish for happiness and luck 🙏

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I hope you will add a suitable artifacts for our guy Xiao 😁
Happy new year everyone 🎉

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I wish that everyone’s wishes come true!

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I wish for a less stressful year but also for happiness for everyone

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I wish everyone can find their happiness in both gacha and life 🥰

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I wish for Scaramouche my precious >:D

I'm also wishing for everyone to have a great 2022!! ✨♥️

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i wish i can get this guy on 50/50 so that i can complete my liyue powerpuff dps (ganyu, hutao, and xiao)

if not, then Ayaka all the way <3

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wishing for better artifact drops and rng ! hopium :>

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I wish everyone a blessed 2022 coming your way ahead 💕✨

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I hope everyone wins their 50-50s ^__^

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I wish to win my next 50/50 and bring Xiao home 🥺✨✨ remember to stretch and take care of yourselves this winter~

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wishing everyone a lovely and healthy start to the new year 💕

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May we all have an amazing start to 2022 and enjoy all the festivities including the upcoming Lantern Rite! Wishing we all win every single one of our 50/50s and get what we wish for!

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