OKAY i still have a LOT I havent even touched, but I started my very first black and white/values handpainting!🥺
Excited to try out this technique... tho I'm usually someone who sees in color so it's definitely challenging!💀💦
Concept by @/itsiansu 💖

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what that bake do!! And a value map to start painting in those textures... well I won't lie, I actually started already but had to call it before it was twitter ready cause ya girl faced a lot of technical problems 💀💦

concept @/itsiansu https://t.co/HA7aj8k3ZD

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Thanks for those who hung out on my stream!! I actually powered through Vi enough to finish her UVs for my next meeting with @/YBourykina 💖✌️😊
Hopefully we can fit them a lil better 💀💦 Vi's gauntlets are a LOT
Concept by the wonderful @/itsiansu✨

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A recently finished commission for featuring their OC Tabitha in her peacemaker form along with @/arcadiansun19’s OC Razgriz in her able hands 🤲. Mad fun putting this together 🎉 stay tuned for more and stay blessed.

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I finally finished my (very belated) annual New Years redraw of my characters, Terrance and Penderman! 💛

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Day 3 of 5 - backlog ✌️

Honestly at this point zbrush was becoming... challenging!!😓 i decided to keep power through with making new things to finish vis silhouette for my meeting with @/YBourykina 🔥💪😤

Dark Water Vi concept @/itsiansu https://t.co/HA7aj8k3ZD 🌊

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Day 2 of 5~6 of backlog!✌️
Made some major proportion adjustments! and first time really doing clothes🔥

Me and @/YBourykina talked a lot about future plans. I'm just SO excited to texture her its hard to focus🥺💖
Dark Water Vi concept @/itsiansu https://t.co/HA7aj8BERb 🌊

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i just got approval to post how my Dark Waters Vi is going for the @/ment_coalition 🤩 Day 1 was blockout and oh boi don't look at the feet fjkdhfjksh

Currently on day 5!💖💕 I have my first meeting with @/YBourykina tonight 😊

Concept by @/itsiansu https://t.co/HA7aj8k3ZD

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Terrance vs Natahila

In my story, demons are spawned out of abysses in the next world, and depending on which one they came from they have different characteristics/abilities. Every demon intuitively knows about all the abysses, even tho they are infinite.

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I’ve never drawn these two interacting, which is a crime

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AustralianSuper makes a surprising bid for NZ's leading investment group INFRATIL - cartoon in today's NZ Herald and premium online here... https://t.co/xQWlOAEuKc

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Hola a todos ¿Cómo les va hoy? Espero que se encuentren de maravilla. Hoy me he dado la tarea de traerles dos fanarts para alegrar el día uwu. Quisierá saber ¿Cúal de los dos les ha gustado más?

Artistas: Hanarizu e Indiansunsetsummer


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Someone on tumblr called Terrance “a disaster gay masquerading as a distinguished gay” so I drew this...

(Theyre not wrong ♥️)

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Barnabas Wiley... demon hunter / orphaned outcast who loves his wife so much

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TianSung and Mayshing from Shenshu. The two met in an on going dream where ghosts of calligraphers rule and writing is a survival skill. https://t.co/EzhuMYfmMn

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