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Froggo’s about to steal your wife with a “sexy romantic jazz mixtape”.

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Frogiwawa often has to cough or sneeze and she said that's because she ate Kiwawa.
That means Kiwawa actually was a chicken and it's the chicken feathers stuck in her throat who are causing trouble

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wait, is this a furry game?

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This is what i got from novelAI when i input "takanashi Kiara" and "fried chicken"


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Frogiwawa 🐸
I can’t…
Frogiwawa is too evil…I mean cute 😍

172 1489

Cool Frogs don't look at explosions
(that she probably caused)

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More Frogiwawa PNG's 🐸😊

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Made two memes for frogwawa
But im sure ill come up with more~

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WHY IS SHE SO FREAKIN CUTE OH MY GOD MY HEART!!!!! (still bad at coming up with frog names tho lol) BUT LOOK AT HER CUTENESS!!!!!!

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This MENACE to society murdered a CEO of a beloved fast food industry and LIED to the PUBLIC as a DETECTIVE! She must be brought to JUSTICE!

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just look at that cute fwoggy!

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Frog detective Frogiwawa to the rescue

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If she wasn’t such a SpongeBob anti, she’d know he wasn’t the first Lobster named Larry. lol

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She remembered Crazy Frog lol

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