Drawn Kindergarden Pepperoni ∼

smol and cute pep

48 259

there was an idea for a comic I wanted to make about a pizzeria from hell called unholy pepperoni but it never took off because I completely forgot about it and I wonder if I should consider giving it a try (here's what the delivery guy would look like imo)

1 18


its barely starting and callies going right for the throat doubleways
rest in pepperoni rose alas couldnt even bear to harm sweet calliope

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bro....u just got pepperonied...

9 55

Using my Pizza Cookbook tomorrow night to make some Pepperoni and Pickle Pizza. Hey, , , , , and --should I save you a couple of slices?

2 7


sorry for missing on a couple more days, heh

1 9

can i get a pepperoni pizza

0 13

also if you havent figured, apologies on missing out on so many days

2 11

Mmm pepperoni on my Anchovy

2 9

Missed a couple days, school's bein annoyin

2 13