I saw this one piece drawn by JumpJump and I got into them so I started drawing more.

1 12

I have a sneaking suspicion I know who drew this. Because I know this art style and I have to say this is one of my favorite sin kid pieces

16 110

Made a little followup to Lois at work with Lyle checking up on how works going?

28 140

Myess. Rinn has joined the Fox family. Coz she's married to Lari. Lol

Still, Louds keep coming to her clinic and still take good care of their health.

10 62

Been seeing a lot of Vtubers nowadays. So I made Lacy dressed as Inugami Korone and Lina as Amano Pikamee. I haven't fallen down the rabbit hole, I just like these two based on the clips I can understand. And a little Lemy as a Mumbo Token (Ecumbocum)

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There are no protagonists without antagonists.

9 46

I guess each artist puts a slight twist on the designs according to their personal interpretation of these characters, and i'm not the exception so here's mine. And if you have curiosity about the minor changes or my take in general feel free to ask.

22 110

Sometimes I get unique commissions like these, some say it's weird but it does inform me about stuff I never knew before.

14 65

Pobre Lemy xd

Autor del dibujo: Patanu102.

2 25

Lois got a job at Burpin' Burger. Good thing they have free coffee or she wouldn't be able to make through the day.

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If you folks want to know something about the sin kids, don't be afraid to ask. Because I like answering questions, just note that my answers are in context on my take of the kids.

Also to answer the first question, this is Rodrick. He's an Emu with Buff Arms.

3 25

If you ever wanted to see the process of me making a drawing aside from my Draw Streams, here's a picture in 4 images. of the last one I did.

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A gift for a good friend yay

Oh yeah, the RIP dood is Pat's oc, Joe. Go and check him out with his creator, Patanu.

6 33

A friend of mine was drawing Gloom as Mako from Kill La Kill and that got me going on drawing her in the captain's outfit. The one with Lupa is just having some fun with it. With a guest appearance by Lacrima.

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