画質 高画質

character notes: satoshi hirata
-22 yo
-border collie
-speed demon
-very self-confident
-hates reading
-himbo? himbtwunk ✔️
-great fashion sense (according to him)
-terrified of doorknobs (cuz static shocks)

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Picture book recommendations please. My little girl has a wobbly tooth. She’s terrified of it falling out & doesn’t want to be parted from her baby teeth. She told me they’re her friends. Are there any PBs on growing up & losing teeth? I think it’s the transition she’s afraid of.

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Playing around with layers, trying to figure out how the heck they work and trying REAL HARD to draw paws haha. Anyway, here’s a sort of concept for Sandra for the comic I’m involved in. She’s a big ol nerd who’s terrified of people.


(kind of)

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Here’s a funky lil dude
Funny I used to be terrified of him and now he’s just my son
Anyways expect a prototype of a plush of him soon bye

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naruto looked so terrified when he found out that his classmtes wanted to dispose of sasuke 🥺

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Someone i could actually be terrified of, not some cutesy waifu like dona

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Domino is absolutely terrified of the toilet the flushing sounds scare him which made potty training him super hard. He ended up rolling Domino into a Big sister little brother program where they met a little deaf filly named Ginger Pie and her Father Rad Tricks.

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"JEEPERS! I mean I know we're supposed to be terrified right now, but THOSE PECTORALS! Is it too late to ask for his number?"

Here's the scoop on Coolsville's local rich girl with a thirst for monsters--Daphne Blake--For Scooby-Doo! CODE: PARANORMAL

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new oc just dropped shes my gunslingin bounty hunter lady 🙏 shes pretty n ladylike but everyone is terrified of her bc she never misses

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In the spirit of my Mary Sue post, let's talk about our OCs' flaws!

*Ana is painfully awkward (and not in a cute sitcom way)
*she can't swim
*she's terrified of any animal bigger than her
*she chews her nails
*she's stubborn to a fault and somewhat pompous when confronted

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Honestly not sure who I'd be more terrified of.

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Also Aaron has some similarities to me. We’re both non-confrontational, terrified of being rude/hurting ppl’s feelings, and often get into situations that make us uncomfortable because we fear being rude

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I don’t think I’ve been this terrified by a Joker design since Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth

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Did you know that flumphs change colour to denote mood? I didn't when I started painting mine. The initial yellow paint job I did indicated mine was terrified. Couldn't have that. The new scheme is calm (pink), but tinged with curiousity (green).

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3. despite being a cowboy, he's terrified of horses. he finds them really intimidating and bad to look at, and he's not ashamed to admit this whatsoever.

(art by rockavampy)

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my fav is dramatically homophobic and by that i mean he is genuinely terrified by acts of queer love

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Yall think hes got enough merch? XDD

(Im thinking Mystic spoils him a bit, tries to make him feel a bit better with frequent visits to Freddy when shes working, etc. Trying to avoid what happened with Evan(Being terrified an hurt)) https://t.co/C3vKEfUcPM

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Using Marik Let’s Plays as background noise for art was…a choic cause every time Florence laughs I’m simultaneously amused and terrified

Also his frigging hair like are those seriously wings are you kidding me

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The following are recommended otome games‼︎🥰

1. DYNAMIC CHORD feat.Liar-S
 l love Sakura💜
 I love Ikki💙
 I love Natsume💚
4. Dance with Devils
 I love Lindo❤️

I was terrified by all of this.😂😂

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listen. Am i terrified of him? yes. does that make him less beautiful? no. no further questions

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