Dude's trying to improve. Cut him some slack broski.

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Happy Birthday !! Have a great day broski :D

1 23

Woosh i'm alive broskis
i didnt post since last year so here have some cool stuff from last months

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Happy birthday to my broski !! I know you love drinking Emil's tears so enjoy✨

3 32

Vanila of Brave Frontier wearing Palutena's outfit commission for Broski~

Thank you for commissioning ouo

2 21

Happy Birthday! Hope your day is going very well :> Gg on living another year my broski!

5 16

It's my doods, Post all your mienfoo related my broskis B)

7 17

Zombies on the left ,Zombies on the right, shooting them all hopefully we will make it out alright! What is going on everyone! I'll be killing zombies in Resident 5 playing with my broski come on by https://t.co/fitIuOjWwQ I'll be going live at 5:30pmEst/2:30pmPst

2 4

Duplicating not only gave me a stronger normal map, but made the anchor points stronger, thanks broski

0 1

I'm back broskies, prepare thyselfes for a long ass video and a new comic I wanna make but haven't started :D

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MKAY GUYS, I GOT WEAK. I gave Zelun'jin his old mog back cause it's just so him. Less clothing is Zelun'jin preferred~ ALSO SCARLET AND BROSKI, I'm soooo original with names guys 😅

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Happy New Year Broskis!!!!

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Extremely overdue commission for my broski !!
I shall not let ur $7 go to waste !!!!!!!! >:0000
tbh i think we both forgot but here u go + the gift in the replies !!
lov uuu <33

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