as it turns out I'm late to the party as usual but HEY I'm bi, never take pictures of myself so I only have old ones, and love drawing dnd characters lmao 💗💜💙

2 64

Oh hey, your local aro/ace nerd just checking in.

2 58

Hello I'm here with bad puns and sketchy art; you can find me crying forever over Kimallura or posting drawings for the campaign inspired me to DM.

1 25

Late as always, but here I am! Asexual artist from Poland known for drawing portraits all the time. Currently working on commissions and personal projects inspired by Critical Role and its community. Critter since episode 70 of the first campaign if memory serves :D

31 535

hey !!! Im a bi NB artist who loves dnd! I got into CR in the beginning of the second campaign and since then I’ve had a blast sharing my art 😘

19 125

Hi ! I'm Steph, she/they pronouns, bisexual. I recently came out last year and am slowly becoming less shy about it. I started watching CR this year and am now all caught up on both campaigns. I love to draw and will hopefully cosplay CR at some point! 😊

0 6

I wanna do the tag!

Lesbian artist who’s too into fantasy, I play a gay Aasimar paladin and my favourite characters are Nott and Caleb! I’ve only just jumped into Season 2 so got a long way to catch up yet ✨

also I have an unhealthy dice addiction oops

1 14

Hey! I'm Mizomei! Falling under the B in I'm a freelance artist and illustrator focusing on fantasy work. has such an amazing community and I'm so proud to be a part of it!

6 40

Category is: Realness

My name is Eric and i'm just a Fey Gay boy currently living in Barcelona.

I use my Whorelock spells to fight in the name of true beauty and drag down the MascXMasc evil empire.

8 107

So since is a thing: I'm Lin and I don't know if you can tell by my art, but I really love girls, the color purple, and unnecessary magical effects.

27 671

I do art

2 18

Hey all you You are wonderful and I've seen so many cool people on this tag! It is so nice to meet you all!

I'm Micah and I have ferrets, cats, and I draw a lot of hot men and comics. Sometimes both at the same time!

8 65

I guess this is a hashtag? Uh hi I'm Ebby, I'm an 18 year old lesbian and completely in love with Vex'ahlia de Rolo

2 38

Hey everyone! My name is Devin, I’m bi, do doodles for CR and hopefully a future animator here. Critical Role has really given me the confidence I needed to pursue a career I am happy with and an opportunity to meet the most amazing humans I have ever known!

0 7

Heyo there peps! I'm Allen, struggeling artist and 100% Bean! (Le-BEAN) ((its a play on words I swear I'm funny))🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

1 29

is such a lovely endeavor! I'm Els, aroace, artist, miniaturist and miniature weapon crafter, and fond follower (and occasional fanartist) of Critical Role.

0 10

Oh hello there, fellow kids. I’m Risa arting as Vylla. Ace and newly, tenuously, cautiously proud of it. Critters have been a big part of that growing pride. Love you guys. ❤️❤️#LGBTCritters

26 346

Chapter 27 page 11 ~ Is there an adulting class for shapeshifting battle monster skills?

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Chapter 27 page 10 ~ If she was the Bear, you could've put her in Hibernate

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