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(Yume, WillShiro Promenade AU)

"Shall we dance, Shiroha-chan?"

Double post, karena kemarin g bisa malmingan 😭
Thanks buat mbak yg udh ngerjain pesenan commisan-ku 🙏🏻👌🏻

13 25

The phenomenon in film from Imperialist nations where an ‘Other’ is used as a stand-in for Indigenous populations and humans are broadly painted as “greedy, hateful and untrustworthy”, further playing into misanthropic and non-materialist views on the world needs to be studied.

24 254

Exploring Misang's Ghost Worlds - Day 2

Souvenir Store, 2018
They are accustomed to buying Women body.

Can you find the traits of GhostsProject?
Open the thread⬇️ & Find the details👻

5 25

Hitohito Tadano is the main character in Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. Komi Can't Communicate cursor pack with fanart anime pointer Hitohito Tadano.

0 0

それはただの枕の山です - It's just an pillow pile
(Komi can't communicate parody)

16 119


Won by 🥰🌸
Thank u so much for being the first holder😍❤️‍🔥✨

Presale with start tomorrow at 12PM UTC!🔥

2 5

nostalgia komisan pertamaku dulu wkwkwk
si kembar ganteng 🥹🥰

1 4

Olá pessoal!

Chegando atrasada pra parte 3 dessa desafio que esqueci de postar semana passada. Mas tá aí!

Komi-san foi a escolhida dessa vez, mas vocês podem escolher a próxima. Espero que gostem e me dêem mais sugestões ^^

0 2

Your Asamisan gift also sent to you my friend!!!

Thank you for supporting Mia, she is one of the best

1 3