This is big: December 15 is International Tea Day.

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Populus tremula subsp. grandidentata, common aspen. Florence Helen Woolward's (1854-1936) illustrations of poplar and elm trees demonstrate her draughtsmanship & botanical expertise, here creating a 3D effect with the catkins both behind & in front of the branch

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Thank you to everyone for the tremendous response to my winter buds illustration tweet. Here is an image I took of the original bud I used for one of the paintings. The painting was x40 life-size !

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Trees are some of my favourite things to paint - the gnarlier the better!

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Fantastic to view so many Trees on twitter this week. I can’t often get a WiFi signal, that’s not a bad thing when you can be surrounded with the most amazing company of Trees, Woodlands & Orchards during & every other day

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Trees can tell us plenty, for sure there’s those with bad hair days, looking gloomy as Spring seems miles away, or simply how to grow old gracefully like cork. Many offer protection or a good home for others. Either way they’re all special

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spongebob, this is your next lesson. be AGGRESSIVE! tell that guy to tAKE A HIKE!

do you want to take a hike with me?


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What is that old saying?

Take a long hike off a short cliff.

The Trump lemmings are blindly following him over that cliff without a second thought.

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I pronounce you the TACO QUEEN 🌮👑 Happy

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Dragons ❤️ Read Dragons Love Tacos & more books w/ ' Great Expectations program:

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Today's prompt was UNDERWATER. It's also & I needed practice drawing babies/toddlers. So...

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Taco bout a celebration!!!!

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So glad to have "Blue", our blue spruce for shade and protection here in on

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Finally got around to putting to color down on this piece!

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