is this your paiting?or your friend's painting?i think thye are similar!i like chihiro and haku very much!!~wwwww

7 27

When was the last time I made a full painting?......Kinda miss those.
Some old paintings btw:

1 11

Sshhh, do you have a secret love, like the one hidden under this sunflower in rtist ‘s mystical Secrets of Nature oil painting? Be brave this seize the day, give a gift &

3 5

im kinda uuuuuuuuh painting????

3 12

Why are so many Blockbuster Movie Posters based on one 19th Century painting? "Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog" by Kaspar David Friedrich (1818) is arguably a symbol of how modern humans perceive themselves - lost & alone before the meaninglessness of existence - but heroically so.

636 1834

Can you meditate by looking at a painting? Artist Isabella Nazzarri tells us how her art 'brings people to a more conscious state of mind’:

3 2

i tried painting???? today for the first time and this is fun guys

1 39

These painted mandala rocks by are truly impressive. 😍 Have you tried rock painting? Get started on this meditative process with our Painted Rocks project: 🎨🖌

2 6

h-how do people draw cum— i?? more like detroit be-cum human, amirite??? I’ll see myself out. (FIRST DRAWING OF THE NEW YEAR! 🤔didn’t i say i wanted to work on painting? s h u c k s)

31 135

painting??? more like...~paint~ting. (ba dum tsh.)

1 4

✨side profile painting?✨
eh i tried

3 32

Study of I want to try to do digital painting? hehe
I also made the 3D render of this. Gonna post it later maybe.

7 17

Did you ever wonder what that pot of plant is in the 'Cacophony' painting? Here's the original plant that I had referenced for this painting. It's an Oxalis plant, or what some might call a purple shamrock. Happy holidays everyone!

5 10

to expressionist Paul Klee, born in 1879 🎉 Did you know that Klee was a musician for most of his life, often practicing the violin as a warm-up for painting?

[#PaulKlee, Loewenmensch (Lion Man), 1934]

28 56

and the zooooom in as always~
(also please excuse me, I didn't have many hours to pour on this so there are LOTS OF MISTAKES and it's unfinished af. sorry klimt! I kinda cropped your painting? lmao)

52 131

Tonight at 6pm CT on Twitch I’ll be painting Togepi, Togetic, and Togekiss.

What should the theme be for tonight’s painting?

2 12

What makes a good painting? says: "if it is enough to draw you in a little, stay a while, and even begin to imagine your own stories, than I have succeeded. For that moment, in silent conversation, you and I have connected."

7 24