
I'm really hoping for Atlus to port Persona 5 to the Switch! I've only ever been able to watch a playthrough since I don't have a PS4, but I'd love the play the game for myself!

1 3

Megumi Tropical, pero con un "intento" de traje de carreras.
Espero les guste, va a ser mi nueva foto de Perfil de PS4, soy: jetro17garden por si gustan agregarme

6 28

Early Access update is now available and officially releases on February 14th!!! If you have a PS4, love being creative or just want to experience the creativity of other people go and get 's masterpiece and start dreaming ❤

2 27

Dans la veine de Professeur Layton, The Academy annoncé pour ce printemps sur Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC, Android et iOS https://t.co/zW3P2PT2Hk

0 3

Twin Breaker: A Sacred Symbols Adventure launches on PS4 and PS Vita on March 24th. It will cost $9.99. It is cross-buy.

With the help of our friends at , we will be doing physical copies! 1,000 on PS4, 1,000 on Vita. More details on that soon.

Viva !

438 2743

新作「ソウルキャリバー6」発表 SOULCALIBUR VI 初報PV PS4, XB1, PC https://t.co/8KzchxPJkX

0 1

인디 게임 「Temtem」


윈도우, 스위치, PS4, Xbox One

자신의 템템 팀을 데리고 멋진 부유 군도에서의 모험을 떠나 보세요. 모든 템템을 잡고, 다른 테이머와 대전을 벌이고, 자신의 집을 꾸미고, 친구의 모험에 함께 하거나 역동적인 온라인 세상을 여행해 보세요.

91 80

🎮10 Second Ninja X🎮
👾Ps4, xbox one, ps vita, pc

-10 segundos por fase, unas 120/130 niveles, historia y personajes simples pero simpáticos, tanto para echar el rato como sacarse el 100% mola pero tardaras unas 9/10 horas en ello tiene una buena dificultad. (7/10, 1:30 hora)

0 0

The Wonderful 101 Remastered has been successfully funded for PS4, Switch and PC via Kickstarter in less than 2 and a half hours https://t.co/7qu4OYZOyB

176 522

The Wonderful 101: Remastered announced for Switch, PS4, and PC with Kickstarter campaign https://t.co/b3lhu6VVNr

334 809

PlatinumGames takes to Kickstarter to remaster The Wonderful 101 for Switch — and maybe PC and PS4, too https://t.co/atajjS32c6

117 379

A game that's gone under the radar for a bit is finally having a release on ps4, xbox and the switch! Underhero! It came out in 2018, but is a supremely underrated gem. it arrives on other platforms in febuary, I urge you to give it a try!

26 76

Romance visual novel Aonatsu Line coming to PS4, PS Vita on April 23 in Japan https://t.co/TrI5QpXTKW

19 53

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot occupe le top 3 des ventes des jeux vidéos en France (PS4, Xbox, Collector PS4) ! Dragon Ball est indémodable chez nous apparement.

8 68

Limited Run Games annonce une édition physique de The MISSING : J.J. Macfield and the Island of Memories sur Nintendo Switch et PS4, le jeu d'horreur et de casse-tête/plateformes avec des thèmes queer d'Hidetaka Suehiro / Swery65 - https://t.co/cpdOjsZcay

1 1

May is sad that's she didn't receive any roleplay or interactive by today. But she hope to make a human friend because she is an electronic lifeform.

// yes a writer is a retired yugioh duelist in irl but still play legacy of duelist on her ps4, Her favorite deck is ritual deck.

0 2

A visual novel should always have good art and great music that sets the tone. The 25th Ward knocks those out of the park.

Game: The 25th Ward: The Silver Case (PS4, 2018)
Song: Investigation, 25th Style
Composers: Masafumi Takada, Akira Yamaoka, Baiyon, Erika Ito

15 32

The first drawing of 2B I ever did. May not have a ps4, but that doesn't stop me from loving Nier Automata.

1 0

Le jeu Dragon Ball Z Kakarot sort aujourd'hui sur PS4, Xbox One et PC ! Revivez les aventures de la série culte sous une nouvelle forme.

19 67

인디 게임 「INSIDE」

PS4, XBOX ONE, 윈도우, iOS, 스위치


LIMBO의 개발사인 플레이데드에서 개발하고 발매한 두 번째 게임.

홀로 쫓기고 있는 소년은 어두운 프로젝트의 한복판에 휘말리게 됩니다.

55 61