PS5/PS4「テイルズ オブ アライズ」(9月9日発売)


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Lowe punches and Alphen can't feel pain???

This means I can create something stupid!

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The new characters are *Rinwell and Rowe!
Rinwell seems to be a mage type while Rowe is a brawler type. Read more about them here:

*Rinwell is her English localized name as per the gameplay trailer.

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Tales of Arise character render and screenshot of Biezo (voiced by Fumihiko Tachiki).

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Tales of Arise character artwork of Rinwell (voiced by Sayuri Hara) and her mascot companion Fururu, and Rowe (voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka).

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It's so great to see the fandom "alive" again! With Tales of Arise news finally moving along, expect more content from us, plus the return of our major contests, specifically for (more once we get a solid release date)

Thank you very much for your continued support!

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It's been a long time! Finally my motivation is back and I completed this drawing. It's the main heroine of Shionne.
お久しぶり! やっと私のモチベーションが戻ってきて、この絵を完成しました。#TOARISE のメインヒロイン、シオンだ。#テイルズ

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If Shionne shot me, I'd probably thank her tbh

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I redrew Shionne from a screenshot of the trailer 💙 I thought it'd make a nice study! I was working on this on and off as a warm-up in June, before settling down to properly paint her the other day.

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