画質 高画質

I'm really, really sad right now...
Depression...and now let's think what to draw next.

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Sometimes I like practicing with expressions on things i've already finished, these two are very
"nice knife :)" https://t.co/Yuq08qjF4r

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C'est un jeu phare qui est sorti il y a tout juste 20 ans au Japon : Shin Megami Tensei III.

Ce jeu a été un tournant majeur dans l'ouverture de la série au monde, et qui a introduit le système de Press Turn, encore utilisé et apprécié aujourd'hui !

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espressione, sempre con la medesima risata.

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comes with a bunch of different facial expressions too

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Tysm for the opportunity! Here’s my sona and Id like expression A2 but you can choose any honestly I don’t mind ^^

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The Abandoned Empress arrive à attiser la curiosité du lecteur, et on lira la suite avec plaisir, tant on veut voir la petite Aristia s’affirmer.

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oooh no💔
The father of my favorite manga/anime is gone😭
I'm great fan of his work since 1978 especially Captain Harlock❤️
Galaxy Express 999 Cockpit Space Battleship Great Yamato Queen Emeraldas...
RIP Leiji Matsumoto 💔😢
You’ll travel forever through the stars

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I am very shocked. I just watched the movie Galaxy Express 999.

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Merryful birthdaying! Wishing you less back pain and a lot of fun stuff to get!

I draw girls almost exclusively because duh girls are pretty. And my biggest strength hmmmm. I guess expressions? I always try to make them very emotive

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twitter compression hates me specifically so i dunno if uploading this as a video will help or not

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Leiji Matsumoto - autore di Galaxy Express 999, Capitan Harlock e numerosi altri titoli - si è spento lo scorso 13 febbraio, all'età di 85 anni, a causa di un'insufficienza cardiaca. Ne è stata data notizia solo in questi giorni.
fonte: https://t.co/e4LCHgrzkx

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morto 😭

sono cresciuto con i suo racconti..... spero che sia lassù nel suo mondo fantastico in compagnia dei suoi personaggi

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Being with Haruki would cure me 😣 depression who? Too busy doing DIS👇

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(Thanks!!) Depressed bounty hunter that I guess can pretty much be the object show equivalent to Chainsaw Man.

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Good Morning Family. The Almighty knows you’re doing your best. He knows you’re tired. He hears the prayers & sees the tears. Keep pressing forward.

Art by

Digital Art of

My Website https://t.co/PliKthhAO5

Jesus Yaya

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- plushie commish -

you can choose your own base and expression ! :D
( if the expression that you want isnt there, feel free to request-!)

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The ROGUE Collection
"Mother and Child"
Acrylic on Canvas
40 x 30 x 1.5 Inches
Available at The Shoppe

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