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I adore these girlies

43 120

AAH Can't stop fangirling about this...I just love to fill the hole inside his heart (allHailShdow)

8 50

先輩にとって幸せな1年になりますように└(└ 'ω')┘

2 3



2 6

Charm collab with , we'll have these girlies at Anime Boston!! 💖📋

474 1124



0 2

My little girlie is sad, don't be sad girlie, you've got such a bright future!

1 3

오늘은 소녀시대 태연의 생일입니다. 팬아트로 때때💘의 생일을 축하해주세요!
(Pwanit_draws님Hye_Eun_Na님Martie님girlikethis_님의 팬아트입니다.https://t.co/Dx5mmaj4MO)

128 79

If lacking inspiration, just draw the girliest things possible 🐰💕inspired by Vogue

3 11

The most touching and relatable scene from 2016.

0 12

More leaves around a girl, keeping with the forest thirst.

0 1

More cartoonist peeps should watch Whether or not you like the characters, the show has TONS of awesome facial expressions.

0 9

sketch based on this lego girlie

1 18

i didn't know you could invite sherlock holmes to the R.F.A party! i'm fangirling so hard! sherlock x jaehee 😭❤

102 68

Mor and Az by blogtealdeal! I'm fangirling 😂

72 302

Am I the only one that has a crush on Star as a guy?

2 2