画質 高画質

Decided to do try some animating with Spriter today. I'm really liking it, although I need more practice.

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Trying out some low poly character texturing. Hopefully get my head around rigging and animating next

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Had an hour break from animating, and finally got a chance to draw this guy :D my favourite film ever!

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R.I.P Manglobe. Thanks for animating one of my favorite anime, Samurai Champloo.

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Animating while I should be spending time with friends

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Animating the trees with our sound reactive projections. Thanks for an inspiring weekend!

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Here's a look at how the design developed before animating. I had pretty specific art direction.

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Felt like animating a lil something! Have a Bill who's angry when scared!
Probably could have let him idle a bit...

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Animating detailed things is tiring! I tend to doodle crude versions as a good break

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Animating some placeholder slashes for the dwarf guy

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me and my friends color references so animating can be easier for me.

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Needed a break from animating stuff so i sprited the first thing that came to mind:

Some manly

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Woah they outsourced all the animating process pass storyboard to Korea >w>; Can I still call Durarara a Japan anime

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Trying my hand at layering and animating. Hopefully I can have this ready for a walk and run cycle next week.

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Had to take a quick break from animating to congratulate on 100k subs. Congrats, Holly!!

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Keeping it Simple. I love to work out my basic poses before I start animating.

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stayed up too late last night adding sound and animating this old sketch http://t.co/r0I3nAogyF

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