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I heard likes BAYC owners? I just sweeped this one. I'll sweep 30 more if I get 100 followers. You guys are supposed to be the most active?

118 326

Apparently is a great way to spot new fake/scam BAYC twitter accounts. Here's a few that are trying to impersonate and 🚨

3 11

Bored Ape sells for 180 $ETH / $187,380 👑


10 203

👀 bwtc ↘️ fumbled ↘️ BAYC

🏆 status: No Hands
🛒 in: 410 WETH
💰 out: 96 WETH
😬 hodl: 2 months 7 days

Ξ loss: -314 ETH ❌

💲spent: $1,205,400 (05/2022)
💲lost: -$1,105,752 (📉 -92%)

37 247

Picasso once said, "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."
So why not invest in a little piece of
to compliment that killer profile pic ?

Lets Talk

14 23

An M2 Serum was burned yesterday. It was the first M2 burn since June 15. Sweet mutant, but selling the serum probably gets you 5-10 ETH more. Seller did complete his BAYC/M1/M2 set.

1 55

Could not resist to snipe rank today. these are so cute. floor raised in past 24 hours from 0.003 to 0.015 🚀🚀🚀

2 5