画質 高画質

Drowning in monsters!! Currently animating some of these guys~

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Took awhile animating this, but here it is.

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On the rare occasion I feel like animating, I work on "Kiss Me, Seamus" a lil bit. Animating's tough.

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From this morning. Bad beer label animating. Click link for rad soundtrack http://t.co/1V5z8PpzJo

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Today I've been animating the new outpost shipyard section in

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It's far from perfect but here is my stab at animating flight. http://t.co/dqasPPpYYX

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took a few minutes out of animating to sketch

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I ALWAYS think I'm done animating a shot before I remember to add shading. Easily another 30% of work. Gahhh!

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Just finished animating little Panddo for !

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that gut-wrenching moment you realize you were better at animating a year back...

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New tutorial before the weekend? Pose Morph, Animating Vertex Maps & Tearing cloth http://t.co/z7Mqd9XYuw

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I was taking a break from animating 's scene to test a new model and I cannot even handle this slider.

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This thing from this thing I'm animating.

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Tomorrow at 12:30 (CEST) we'll be streaming our process for animating a character in Spine http://t.co/v6nxA0F9nv

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i should be animating but instead im drawing desserts whatev

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might want to start pixeling + animating more often ug

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