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eu nn saquei mt bem mas acho que é pra taggear os mutuals e tal, mas minha memória é mt ruim pra lembrar disso. Vai aqui uns artistas que acho que merecem mais reconhecimento https://t.co/sgmjgvTVDC

4 9

Huge public misconception about All Yesterdays that "it's that book that teaches you EVERY dinosaur had obscure shit going on on it and scientists would likely be morons enough to ignore muscle attachment points if they'd reconstruct modern animals"...

...while there's this too:

61 377

Reworked these older posters I made months ago and I like the lighting now much more :)
left the old version - right the reworked version

3 35

Bien! aca está
perdonen si destrocé mucho su estilo, algunos realmente no sabía bien como imitar?? aunque pueda reconocer cada uno de sus estilos, es muy difícil hacerlos!

5 20

eu fico triste quando vejo que o pessoal não gosta do monoma pelo jeito dele, ele só quer ser reconhecido como herói e que a individualidade seja vista como valida, sempre chamam ele de copiadora (mesmo sendo o poder dele) só que de um jeito ruim

mais amor ao monoma caras !

0 12

Ayer fue uno de esos dias de obsesión compulsiva que hace daño pero hicimos esto. hecho con una one 13 es mi primer modelo que tendrá reconocimiento de gestos y todo ese coso!

1 6

Some creatures of my original design, they are known as Blightlands Ravagers. You are free to bid on them here, but please check here for the price: https://t.co/HXgAUQGgzq

2 1

Giganotosaurus was originally poorly described and it’s skull was reconstructed incorrectly and unlike other Carcharodontosaurs. This skull is now outdated, the new skull is in the skeletal on the right. Sadly the old skull is still the most predominant in paleo media

8 68

Did some of the missions on Fischl Event Unreconciled Stars. I'm surprise that since I haven't met Mona yet in the story the dialogue is different, she doesn't know the Traveler in my story, but unlike in other vids online that already did her mission Mona knows the Traveler.

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1 5

i didnt know juju's little icon changed after you finished colony 6 reconstruction level 4.... . .....

88 315

Ashranti is going to try and find her happiness by reconnecting with nature

0 5

It's Livius and David again 👀
ft. Livius with short hair and TOPPING?!? bc i can.
also friendship ended with anatomy, perspective and proportions 💅

28 110

J'ai voulu faire le "draw in your mutual's style" mais j'ai vite eu la flemme. Mais bon j'ai fait ça, si vous reconnaissez votre style... ben désolée de l'avoir autant raté 😬

0 9


Let's see:

CARROT - The Look-Out / Recon - She must have a good vision and be able to get high fast in order to understand her surroundings as a look-out - & be able to go into ennemy territory fast to spot and act on threat as a recon

1 2

Liste non exhaustive (j’ai toujours rêvé de le dire même sans contexte) des trucs qui m’agacent, si vous vous reconnaissez dedans il est fort probable que j’aie déjà eu envie de vous claquer

7 33

l'addetto alla progettazione dell'Ikea non mi capisce, eppure lo sanno tutti che un "così" equivale pressappoco a 1 m e 60 cm, non mi sembra così difficile!

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