画質 高画質

CDawgVA Colquhoun Sketch Sketch
Device used: 4 & Pencil2
App:Sketches by
happy birthday 0

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I hate the name change, but I’m very happy that Yomi no Tsugai is now officially available to read in English on newly launched app from . It’s now known as Daemons of the Shadow Realm, and I really hope that name doesn’t keep people from reading it

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Me every time I come onto this app 😑

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🏆"Snowdrop" a été élu Meilleur K-Drama 2021 sur IVR APP! Félicitations! 🎉🥰

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The Purikura app is fun to play around with. I look forward to more frames and customizations in the future!

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引用RT先の画像左で無邪気に笑っているのが我が家のカミ、Ruhe(リューエ)です。目の色はこの画像みたいな感じで、名前はドイツ語で「凪」を意味します。可愛かろ。なんせAPP18ですからね!!!!!!!(これは自探索者に狂っている求肥の発言) https://t.co/oJMIkR31Am

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it’s a match !!
oisuga | 6.7k | rated t+

Oikawa and Suga have been trying to find love for their best friends for months. according to the dating app they’re catfishing on, they're a match made in heaven

for !!


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Ya está disponible el nuevo capítulo de Chainsaw Man en la app de Manga Plus, en diversos idiomas incluyendo español. El capítulo 101 está programado para lanzarse el 3 de agosto.

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音霧さん( )のお宅の

描くの楽しかったです!! https://t.co/skL2Tb3Rcj

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Frankie suggests a tried and true strategy in dealing with the unexplained and the terrifying. Tap the link for the full comic and don’t forget to subscribe on the Tinyview app to never miss an update. https://t.co/sguiBe3ddl

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Dante and Virgil (Personal artwork) Main goal was to to play with Rebelle (an awesome 2d painting app) a little more - I really enjoy the realistic brushes!

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All seriousness, this is very goofy and just adds more fuel to the "why even bother reading manga legally" argument some people have. I'm 99% certain they did this because of Apple's weirdo policies for getting apps onto the App Store.

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Square Enix dropping a free app that lets you read their manga (Manga UP!) and having an AI add censor boxes is the funniest shit ever because you get odd shit like this.

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Liveri-la ID:shiharusuno

App Store:https://t.co/afc0IoZXL1
Google Play:https://t.co/fZoX1vILLk

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Here is a small game! Find some hidden words within this artwork and let us know what they are in the comments below

🎁 Download app: https://t.co/vUdPnegI3u

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youre moving into an app on the app store smh

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"Universe Storm & Lighthouse" collection: "Emotionally Intelligent Duos" by PlusLess-The Couple Harmonizer app.#NFTs soon available in

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"Universe Storm & Lighthouse" collection: "Emotionally Intelligent Duos" by PlusLess-The Couple Harmonizer app.#NFTs soon available in

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"Universe Storm & Lighthouse" collection: "Emotionally Intelligent Duos" by PlusLess-The Couple Harmonizer app.#NFTs soon available in

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