画質 高画質

tremble before him...the absolute range of one man

835 3095

14. Xander (FE) 💕

HIM HIM... HIM SO PRETTY I.... hnrrggg im just putty and he makes me feel safe

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1 3

thinking abt. him........................

0 5

Thinking about him...

0 0

A ref of Sitch with a slight change to him...

1 6

"É revigorante beber um puco de chá, isso sempre me acalma." 🔳

"Sim... é muito bom." 🍃

"Me aprecia de saber que temos um bom gosto em comum." 🐑

6 28

People talking about Chipp while I was sketching him... yall cool ily
(And I love him and adore him and I love him)

0 6

He was originally a [REDACTED] fan oc but now idk what to do with him...

3 1

This is my favorite qt

Look at him... he just stands there ever vigilant!😍

0 8

here’s my effort.... kept going till i got sick of looking at him...

12 64

cleo's first NNTM audition entry. wasn't sure about the green at first, but actually, i think it suits him...

5 8

It's him...The funny bone man 🦴

9 41

Also Amon, I miss him... like the deserts miss the rain

1 30

we can rebuild him... we have the technology

1 60

Esqueci "míope" e "letra horrível", mas enfim...

6 48