I've had a lot of fun playing little big planet 3?? Gives me some nostalgic feels even when I get frustrated, anyway I drew my character :3c

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meet the artist meme??? :3???

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Como nao ser o melhor personagem do v3?????

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選了強壯ㄉ肉體!!!!!!興高采烈的選ㄌ強壯ㄉ肉體而不是不死身!!!!永井完全無視他的回答 對 就是不死身 中野還一副狀況外!!! 1+1為什麼不等於3???

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how's it hangin <:3?? (by tyty otter buddy!!)

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so i found some old OCs of mine from 2012-2013??? so i decided to redraw them lmao

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What's going on in this sneak peek of SAMI issue 3??

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One of my favorite panels so far. Who's excited for AB3??

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((Ya mean thisssss kinda creepy :3?????))

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Ready for season 3???? (Spoiler. Well not really..but kinda?)

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