'The Maylens are said to be weavers of reality, in their subtle adroit hands the needle of time bobs and thrusts. Will they weave me out of existence? It feels beyond my power to say.' - Audiger, the Arch-Mage

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ive been watching bobs burgers for like 2 weeks straight

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Meet my newest batch of 5* lvl 40s:
Roast Chicken
UninCestual (unintentional incest)
Dragon Bobs
And Daddy's Boy

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My art was on bobs burgers! In the credits at the end but it was still on there!!!

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in different styles
the bobs burgers one cracks me up lol

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Hello! I'm a children's illustrator, & I love to illustrate yummy food + happy characters, w/ lots of nature bits and bobs. 🍓🍰🌿#VisibleWomen

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bits and bobs for a short film about a man in the desert we might be making in the next year

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Also thank you to everyone who showed the cast my Bobs versions - especially

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https://t.co/eRIifH8xaX Jau pirms čempionāta Bobs Hārtlijs izteicās, ka "skrien un met" stils mums neder.

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getting my final bits and bobs together

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My first attempt at animation. I think her feet should shift a bit as she bobs... Lots to learn still, which is exciting!

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kiss, beach, kissing, boys, smooch, bobs burgers, tina, tina belcher, hot kiss, sexy kiss, boy crazy

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Pokemon Friday is HEERREEE!

This week's lil buddy drawn in Paint is Kingler!

under bobs n all

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Animated a cute little Mimikyu from Pokemon. The best part is he bobs his head to most music you play for him.

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