Maybe if you stanned Clem you'd be fine smh

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i have a few, but my main is clem! he’s genderfluid (3rd pic is from our dnd campaign)

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Been working on my coloring. usually when I color Clem I would go more for her Season 1 Complexion. But I decided to try something different. Anyway More Coming Soon.

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Things are getting verrrry spooky with a Halloween Clem! 🎃🦇

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Fun fact clem's species of kobold can produce and spit globs of acidic spit - it's said that it has a lemony scent.

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Baro Ki’Teerのオリジナルぬいぐるみに対抗して、

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anyway stan defitive edition s3 clem for non oily skin 😌☕️

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is a cute tag that should be more popular. Clem is orange creamsicle obviously

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New S2 Clem W.I.P. Part 2 - Her black eyes are just fillers.

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While the vistas are impressive, one of the things I adore most about EPCOT Center concept art is all the middle-aged well-dressed guests :)

(Painted by Clem Hall)

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My ocs, Clem, Micah, and Lix! Found some new brushes, as well, for their backgrounds👌🏻

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It’s , and I have been fortunate to work with a lot of great letterers over the years. Folks like ,Clem Robins, and many others have all made the book great with their talent.

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Lil mono clem from this morning too : >

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Clem has upgraded to SINK CAT

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Coucou et merci beaucoup a toi !

Moi c'est Clem, jeune illustratrice de 20 piges. Qui dessine autant du furry que des humains, encore merci et passe une bonne journée

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Merci à Midnight aka clem.31 sur Instagram pour ces deux super dessin 😍 et aussi pour m'aider à paufiner mon furso 👌 Go check ses dessins ! Mention particulière pour le "muloteur de bière" auquel je ne m'attendais pas ! 😁

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Une montagne de Clémentines accompagnée de.... Et bien de Clem mon oc Clémentine !;)

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