I don't have too much to share on that I haven't already, but this series means a lot to me and I love!! these characters!!

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. and celebrate with a brand-new comic bundle for Dragon Age: Blue Wraith! Art by . Find out what Fenris has been up to since the incident in Kirkwall... Pre-order here: https://t.co/BkAwWDBlF4

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Most importanly, I made many friends, share what I thought and not feeling weird being a fan of something, instead I feel save about it. Two of these art are for friends.

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Happy I did a quick colored sketch of my warden Asheline Cousland. This is a chibi like version of my art style.

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Or just really want to capture his sad romace with inquisitor

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And of course, a lot of sketches and unfinished prompts

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I even make some mini comic (which I rarely do!) about solavellan, somehow I’m impressed with this past me who can create anything in the name of love (lol).

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Romacing him in Inquisition I just hope I could have a romace-rivalry option like they had in DA2

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In this thread I would love to share my love for Solas in this very (wait, theres a tag ???)

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Some sketches of my Inquisitor Vatra Adaar!
I've finally decided her final look\how i want to draw her and i'm so happy, i love her so much çuç
Since today is DragonAgeDay i thought that it was a good day to post these!

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Apparently it's ? It's been a hot minute since I've played any of the video games, but I have recently been playing the This is my horrible butthead and walking dumpster, Goldnose Grey. Entropy mage with the Shapeshifter specialization!

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Happy everyone :)

I still had this drawing that I forgot to share when I finished it months ago :D

What does Dragon Age mean to you? Comment and share the love💖

Thank you so much and

80 518

To one of my top favourite game/book/comic franchise 🖤🖤🖤
You changed my life 🖤

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Wait, today is !? Well then, its a good reason I reshare some artwork i’ve done so far for this fandom! First of all, please meet my Inquisitor Lavellan! I draw her in... how many years already, three, four years ago? I would love to see your inquisitor too!

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Happy !! Keep playing. Keep loving. These games have meant a lot to me. They allowed me to be who I wanted to be and love who I wanted to love.

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Happy !
Some quite old art now but hey.

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I also put this old drawing because FenHawke still my favorite pairing after Alistair x Cousland

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"Where is my beloved?"
Willow isn't finished yet.
Happy !! These games are some of my all time favs! I love yall over at and

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