artist: i cant do free commissions because art is hard work and i need money for my efforts

ignorant customer: i CaNt Do FrEe CoMmIsSiOnS b

24 54

We nice guys build zz'rot

Ignorant women who reject us build zz'thot

33 134

45 has a vile big mouth, he is dangerous and unstable, ignorant and greedy, temperamentally inappropriate and emotionally insane.

16 28

When you're waiting for them to end their ignorant lecture so you can hit 'em with the facts 💁🏽#Hijabi

1 1

“Ignorant golden city”
German watercolor painter Viktoria Prischedko

610 1386

What made you think you could put a boy through so much and not mature him into a monster? are all humans so ignorant?

30 37

'The Blind Leading the Blind' by depicts the idiom in which an ignorant person is helped by another ignorant.

30 35

"To be ignorant of what happened before you were born is to remain forever a child."
📖M. Tullius Cicero, Orator, 120

361 413

I know nothing about poses, I'm an ignorant pleeb.

0 1

Animal abuse of any kind is ignorant, arrogant, cowardly violence.
It's aggression against Nature and our planet ..

82 30

I fashioned an ignorant cat for you

0 0

"La gente es ignorante, se sentirán mejor mientras alguien sea castigado."

12 13

when people use their fame & big platform to show how ignorant and insensitive they are

73 299

Droppin soon : ignorant funk 🖕🏽

3 4

Find me on Instagram "ignorant_O" new video dropping soon. 🖕🏽

6 3

ignorant funk 🖕🏽

55 74

Las mentiras que ofenden a las personas inteligentes son las mismas que les dan esperanzas a las ignorantes.

1094 1390

"You think I'm an savage
And you've been so many places
I guess it must be so"

4 4