Yeah they're still moe.... (Also I like how they've flipflopped back, like, very clearly the importance here is still being with Judai in the end)

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0 3

I like how much is said with this little bit bc Sho initially thought Judai sacrificed everyone on purpose and was fighting his doubt.... not ALL of Sho's writing in later S3 is bad, him overcoming the doubt on his own is GOOD

1 4

oh boy yeah taunt Judai with losing the friends he's already haunted over losing AGAIN

0 3

Uh oh you gone and rejected them too many times, Judai... now they're Actually Hurt

0 7

How dare you cheat with other monsters, Judai!!

0 3

Yubel: actually u know what fuk u Judai

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0 5

Come to think of it that's an interesting point... I don't think Yubel understood that they themselves wanted to get back at Judai to repay the pain they felt... clouded by them coping with viewing the suffering as love 🤔

0 5

literally me every time Judai struggles: honey.....

1 6

well that's certainly a way to phrase it Judai? hrm (we're just ignoring the translators thinking they have to pick pronouns based on voice)

1 4

I'm sorry that this has just become a Yubel stan account now.... no friends could have seen this coming I'm sure (ALSO LMAO JUDAI'S COMEBACK.......)

0 3

I do really like that Judai has grown mature enough to at least understand the depths of this being something he can't so easily just talk away... and the fact that he's even been trying to talk first vs duel is a lot

1 6

WHY IS THIS SO CUTE Johan is.... soft.............. Cronos is soft............. (I am definitely happy to see Sho run off after Judai almost immediately, he definitely smartened up a little bit as of the last little while)

0 3

This honestly came as a huge shock to me????????? I DID NOT KNOW THIS SPOILER this is easily one of the most fucked up details about GX so far, even right next to "Judai Yuki becomes a war criminal and murders thousands"

0 11

Judai's like "aw shit that makes a lot of sense actually"

0 5

I love the idea that Judai was just friends with everyone in his neighbourhood as a babby though... such a cute kid

0 4

This shot is so funny but its especially funny bc Judai just ignores them while Yubel is like :V LOLLLL

0 4

I honest to god thought this was just gonna segue into Yubel winning this duel and Judai's heart right that instant

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