画質 高画質

企画は多数の有名作品のホルダーのkit_nft( )さんが当選しました〜❗️お迎え、お礼ツイートまでありがとうございます😊
ハラペーさん( )のCute Pigsのファンアート楽しすぎました😚
ハラペーさん、拡散して頂いた方、参加して頂いた方、本当にありがとうございます🙇‍♂️ https://t.co/T6U9OdnRyB

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Well, I am exploring some concepts with game ideas behind them for fun, if that counts.

"Mayham" with pigs fighting invading wolf soldiers (possiblx as a shoot em up?)

Or a so far unnamed Gremlin vs Machines setting. Played around with RTS, rpg and jump and run directions.

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Adopting Guinea pigs Saturday! Food can get expensive so I'll draw your oc in color for 10 usd$ per oc/character all money will go to fresh veggies and toys for the Guinea pigs!

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Pigs in the park: unlikely....... Pig farming in crisis, say National Farmers' Union as 40,000 healthy pigs are culled and dumped.........https://t.co/AO4fCoIkXb

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periwinkles、2曲入りシングル『Shadows』4月にリリース。日本の北国からカリフォルニアへ届けるインディーサウンド - https://t.co/lCbmZof9Va

4月23日には新潟Golden pigsで初自主企画開催

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March 1st is "Pig Day". The purpose of this day is to give thanks to pigs, one of the most clever and useful domestic animals, and to recognize their rightful place in the world.

The fluffy pigs I draw are also very clever and wonderful to heal you.

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*uses my groupmates as guinea pigs when I want to practice a style*

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Tomorrow is March 1st, which is National Pig Day! 🐽🐷 I LOVE PIGGIES so of course I’m turning all y’all into pigs for the occasion. DM me to snag one!
The pigified lovelies featured are :

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毎回即完売になるハラペー( )さんの可愛いCute Pigsのファンアートです🐽
本業の合間で次のファンアートも準備中🤫笑 https://t.co/xCMou17Rh6

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I am so hyped for the new Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet game! Game freak is feeding us like PIGS! Decided to draw the starter I am definitely going to choose :3

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*New Project*

Pilot Pig Alliance is a collection of pig NFTs inspired by the phrase "when pigs fly", created by an average NFT enthusiast. Mint date TBD. Please follow or check out https://t.co/Oo0JOXqMDO for updates!

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Epic giveaway only for Potluck Pig holders in our discord right now! Pig NFT reminded me of our Strange Pigs coming in a couple weeks.

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週1枚ペースで出品しているCute Pigs NFT。今週も明日の土曜日2/26に新作を公開する予定です。ちなみに新作のラフはこちら。全ての豚に職業があるんですが、今回は何の職業かわかるかな?最近は朝の時間を利用して豚のラフを1日1匹ペースで描いています🐷笑

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