I didn't have the chance to post this since techno uploaded the vid but stay strong mr blade

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You got this man! Technoblade never dies!!

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I could have done MCC or Technosupport art as a coping mechanism. Instead, I drew with kintsugi symbolism.

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Techno, I give you the best of wishes for you to recover soon, you're an incredible person and we love you.
cancer's got nothing on you king!!! 🐷

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yes but the purple bow that they put on their skins, ❤❤❤❤

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get better and good luck on everything💪🌸🐷👑
i love you (/p) don't die okay💕

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Get Well soon! Technoblade never dies!🌹

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Get Well Soon Love you techno❤️

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Sending good vibes and well wishes, get well soon pig man

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Technoblade never dies!!

remember to take care of yourselves as well, and we all wish techo a speedy recovery <33

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