Recuerden usar sus cubrebocas villanitos 💙🎩

1 13

The aftermath of the walk with Demencia. 5.0.5 and Valentine got dragged into some bushes

0 11

The tasks at BHO are quite odd, but eventually they’ll get pretty normal, right?

2 18

Dibujito que hice del osito más tierno en este mundo 5.0.5

4 18

WH G2 & 助手君

"You should stop drinking"

98 640

Black Hat 🎩
Recién acabo de terminar este sketch rápido del señorón uwu aunque no me decidí bien como dejarlo jskaks

9 70

Just checking which hair color would fit better on Lady Black Hat. And apparently it's all of them!
(The blonde one could pass as Bandit's mom, lol)

15 86