day 10 : Protect

This little guy can create protective fields , they are basically less practical but autonomous bubble shield from halo

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🐟 1 enfant sur 2 ne sait pas nager en arrivant en sixième. Mais grâce à l’opération « Comme un poisson dans l’eau » du , 3 000 enfants ont déjà appris à nager en autonomie sur une distance de 25 mètres !

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China just can’t wait to take away autonomy & freedom of Hong Kong

We all know it’s just the beginning. Without int’nl pressure + real & strong sanction, HK is likely to become another Xinjiang soon

We hope all senators will choose to stand w/ human rights & support the HKHRDA!

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China just can’t wait to take away autonomy & freedom of Hong Kong

We all know it’s just the beginning. Without int’nl pressure + real & strong sanction, HK is likely to become another Xinjiang soon

We hope all senators will choose to stand w/ human rights & support the HKHRDA!

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Hello! I'm , a Mexican comic and videogame creator wannabe, my first project is a webcomic called "Autonoma" it's kinda inspired on games like MegaMan so I'm sure you'll like it if you like robots, androids and that kind of stuff.

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Hello everyone! I'm and I create webcomics and videogames, my first and current project is called "Autonoma" a comic inspired on games like MegaMan.
My style is simple and clean but I think you'll like the story.

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Wouldn't say her pattern is that complex but her autonomy is a bit wonky looking

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El día que me convertí en víctima de una estafa de trabajo en casa vía

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Thank you Senator Blackburn for understanding why we fight in and co-sponsoring the Act. The Act is important as restoring the autonomy of the city means protecting the US interests and security. is infringing human rights and abusing the city's special status.

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Concept art of Kijuju Autonomous Zone from 5.

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Monstrous day 7: Marionette guard. For eccentric wizards with little time on their hands, forging true golems can be difficult work. Instead, many opt for autonomous puppets. Their hyper attentive and cheery demeanor are usually enough to scare away even the bravest intruders.

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this a edit about my autonomous community ( how dont know what is this, is a a light federal state ) and we our own way of speaking spanish x"d

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Wrote/ drew about consent and body autonomy:

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Non devi comprarli tutti, scegline uno. Ma decidi autonomamente.

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The doors flung open, revealing a lavish and golden reception.
Autonomous instruments played in odd meter and kept flawless time.
A mob with veiled faces surrounded me, forming kaleidoscopic patterns as they twirled and bobbed in rhythm.
Their eyes never left me.

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Tonight the fascist dictator Erdoğan will instruct NATO's second-largest standing army to invade north-east Syria (Rojava), an autonomous zone run by socialist feminist Kurds. Those who stopped ISIS in Kobane will now be under attack once more

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