Tuxie, Coco, and the Floofs were rousted out of bed WAY too early....but for what? ;) So which mood are you when you have to get out of bed before you're ready? I've definitely been in camp Tuxie a couple times! 😆😆 1947

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The cliffs towards Worms Head
8”x6” oil on board
The sheer cliffs and choppy sea with bright light towards Worms Head
All my daily paintings are available for £125 and dry enough to send in 3-4 weeks

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I've got an idea for some short stories/captions that I'm going to try running in IG Stories. This is a title card I made to mark the beginning of a set. :) I'm thinking maybe 2-3 cards/slides/stories per set, with an ending and opening slide like this one. 1946

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It's a brand new week! Momocheet and the floofs have found some Cupcakes of Awesomeness for you! :) Let's all have a great start! 1943

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Keeping the little ones dry. :) 1942

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The Snowdon Horseshoe from Llyn Mymbyr
8”x6” oil on board
All my daily paintings are available for £125 and will be dry enough to send in 3-4 weeks

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Beware the Momochet if you are travelling with a cupcake in hand! ;) 1941

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New Tredegar
8”x6” oil on board
There’s nothing better than painting a village or town at the bottom of the valley from the hillside above
All my daily paintings are available for £125 and dry enough to send in 3-4 weeks

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I mean, if you had the pleasure of drawing a pug in a fancy bubble bath, wouldn't you make it a daily too? ;) 1940

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Cloud tails at sunset
8”x6” oil on board
All my daily paintings are available for £125 and dry enough to send in 3-4 weeks

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First illustration done completely on Illustrator for iPad! This was a fun learning experience and I enjoy a lot of features in this program. :) 1938

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Hay Bluff from Twmpa
8”x6” oil on board
Most people like to walk up Hay Bluff but my favourite is its neighbour Twmpa or ‘Lord Herefords Knob’ as it’s also known.
All my daily paintings are available for £125 and dry in 3-4 weeks

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One of Coconut's many Game Faces. See the full set in tomorrow's comic! ;) 1937

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Did some work on my office setup today, and it may sound silly but getting small things in order like cables can be so refreshing. :) And a fresh clean desk to start the week is a good thing! 1936

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Momo prefers a more calm gaming technique while Coconut hails from the School of Button Mashing. ;) Which form do you prefer? 1935

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Momocheet is a master of the Quick Chapter Sneak. ;) Yes of COURSE she got all her work done first. ;) 1934

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Meowzilla is back and leaping into action in tomorrow's comic! What is she up to though? ;) 1933

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