There are roughly 1 billion individual per human. Here's one. Differential grasshopper. tweetstorm

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Hey there entomologists! are my favorite to illustrate. Always up for painting insects!

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3 of fairy & 2 genera newly recorded for the Afrotropical region

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Art, Science, & Butterfly Metamorphosis:
17th-Century woman laid the foundations of modern entomology

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Look out for this exhibition in January...there are some amazing artists taking part.

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New synonym for a species in the grass skipper genus Scobura

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I just spent a while last week working on a design concept I had. Let me hear your thoughts fans. Also fans.

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Stag Beetle (close up) ink pen and digital painting

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Wasp (close up) ink pen and digital painting

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The Mighty Stag Beetle. Ink pen and digital painting.

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of dusky along with a checklist of its genus from across the world

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Counting the ecologically &economically important anomaline of Costa Rica

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Nothing like a bit of vigorous scientific drawing for 6 year olds.

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Nice find in Beckenham Pl. Pk, rare Uleiota planata. Entomology workshop will be there on 24th.

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