Jinx makes his obese self tap out and wins the match, which on Rufus would later cry about not tapping at all.

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Jinx stating facts as Rufus gets burned.

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Hey all! Dutch fansite https://t.co/1ElV7xrxsZ also has this cool archive of all the character designs and teasers we released for our run. Check it out (if you like)!


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In the end however, Storm Shadow manages to disable M. Bison's psycho drive and issue 3 ends.

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Storm Shadow yields to M. Bison. Guess no match against Snake Eyes here.

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This is the most badass page on this issue yet.

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Jinx defeats that oily character which quite frankly I have no qualms about. However seems Ryu was about to Hadoken her when she was going to go murder on his ass. Not sure why.

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I'm sure Snake Eyes felt sorry for this crap OC of a fighter and decided it was not worth his time.

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Thanks. I always wanted to see M. Bison at his worst with Cammy.

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M. Bison always packs a psycho drive in case he needs to get busy. As well as some dolls.

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Chun Li being completely out of character and acting highly confident when knowing her opponent was Dan, only to find out it was Zartan in disguise. Yeah.

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Am I missing something? Why are characters suddenly bloodlusty psychos? I could understand COBRA's men but these are supposed to be heroes.

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Bazooka from -Not to be confused with Bazooka Joe. Which is another thing entirely.

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One problem I had with this whole Dark Hadou thing is that Ryu nowadays looks as someone who needs to be in constant medication.

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Roadblock, you just licked oil that was all over that other guy.

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I'm starting to regret reading this comic.

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