Instead of following butch Hartman considering giving my work a look 🤙🏻 it’s cool and sexy plus I know color theory

15 32

Since is trending (or was idk i never check them) here's my commission site;
Also a few examples

2 3

Butch Hartman can't draw. i can. follow me. also, i am not homophobic, I'm quite the opposite.

0 7

Are we using dunking on Butch Hartman to promote ourselves and other artists? I too am not Butch Hartman. Show your art here if you are also Not Butch Hartman.

17 55

Sometimes I can't draw for shit, but even on those days I'm better than Butch Hartman.

2 24

Hey guys, I may not be butch Hartman, but that’s also a good thing. I use a few references in my work, but I don’t outright steal like Heartlessman over here. So follow me if you like

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Hiya fellow art lovers! Unlike Mr. Hartman here, I don’t charge $200 for obviously traced art. I draw the stuff I love and always try my best to make my commissioners happy!

0 9

I enlarged Hartmans drawing a little bit, notice how the jaw lines are identical?

0 6

Am I gonna post my art under a Hartman tweet despite being late to everyone clowning on him? Yes, yes I am. I draw a whole lotta stupid Nintendo stuff, no tracing included.

0 4

My commissions, I'm not a lazy scammer like Butch Hartman, I'll put in work to make you a pretty image

31 275

ok none of these are $200 commissions, like around $35 to $40. if it costs much to make commission art for someone, at least make it look like it WITHOUT tracing, because that wasn't it chief

6 33

Seeing people turn Hartman's comments section into a makeshift art share and commissions advertisement is beautiful.
I'm Pure N, and I also don't trace!

1 2

Hi if you want non traced commissions, non copied and totally affordable, check me out~
Unlike Butch Hartman i clearly put effort in to making sure everyone's desires are met and quality work is put out in exchange for your hard-earned cash.

0 2

Rather than following Butch Hartman, why not follow me! <3 The one time I plug my art lmao-
I mostly shitpost/rt info when not arting btw

2 18

hi, im berri, main reason you should follow me is i dont steal art and sell it like butch hartman

other than that i drew pretty girls and i made my own picrew

1 3

Also smh twitter ruined the quality for some reason when I uploaded what the fuck.... Dion will never get commissions and surpass Butch Hartman if people can’t properly see her examples

3 38

hi i draw and unlike butch hartman, i don't trace other peoples art! <3

2 3

Here are two doodles i literally just made in the last hour n a half that are better than anything Butch Hartman could ever trace. Voila, ladies.

3 19

I was to give credit when credit is due. Stephen Silver is an amazing artist. He's good at character design and knows how to make it appealing. Unlike Hartman where he think that adding random color splotches and/or Gaussian blur would make a good background?

0 2

Imagine tracing lololol. Hell, I hardly use references nowadays I'm so good! Perhaps check out what Fartman here COULD be if he actually put in the time and effort to grow and improve by giving my work a gander. Granted, mine won't make you laugh as hard as Shartman's piece here!

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