In 2015 I was an angy mess

5 years and an aneurysm later I'm still a mess, but 100% less angy and 100% more furry

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Quoted thread is a mess, here's the only subthread worth reading

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me 5 years ago: a hot mess, Big Angry (tm), either not yet in therapy or just starting???
me now: still a hot mess but now with shorter hair and different gender and some actual coping skills

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5 years ago vs now
From : a mess, very insecure, quiet, « yes yes » at everything to... a mess but at least way more confident and sure of my choices and identity

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End of high school: Tired physically and mentally, dead inside, still in repression hell
Now: Still depressed, and a mess, but trying my best. Also a girl lol

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ateez sing “star 1117” - atinys cry
atinys start singing - ateez cry
ateez cry - atinys cry more

We are one big crying mess, guys

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DOUBLE repost because twitter is mean and did something weird i’m so sorry i’m a mess,

originally reposted bc i forgot her freckles,,

but i couldn't resist. it happened hours ago in ponder's stream but im so slow at art im cryin

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"The was a mess, and so am I xD "

First political I made due to the rant on how corrupt the is and how they try to make lose. Im sure they will fail as long people stay and unite to support him!
Also, I want to have this on a shirt xD

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Kiyoshi is a flustered mess, he fell onto somebody by accident and panicked heheh

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Kaida’s 2020 ref is all finished! This is lowkey a mess, but ref sheets have never been my strong point. :,)

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what if… you commissioned me to draw u/ur OC… haha just kidding… unless?? 😳😳

i can do any of these styles, ranging from €10-€20 :+) [line portrait, cartoony cute, lineless colourful mess, ghibli]

pls RT i haven’t drawn in ages and would love to!!!!

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The eyes colors are a mess, but dang do i like it.

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So I finally put them all into a group like the Vox Machina one I did years ago. Took me long enough yeah?

And just like the other one it's a bit of a mess, but fun to make either way hahaha

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I made a mess, now it needs to be turned into pixel art :P

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A handful of travel-sketches of two handsome fellas~ Eloquence the twilight cleric, and lovely ranger/mess, Danton Three-Parts. I love him so much guys, it hurts.

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My gender is a mess, life is pain, I'm pelican, have a nice day

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I think I’ve said this before top 4 characters in DB are (in order):

1) Gohan
2) Piccolo
3) 17
4) Frieza

The ToP was a mess, but these guys really got to shine during that arc so it’s a minor W for me

Also probably why I love the Cell saga so much, my top 3 all get to shine 🗿

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Half assed sketchy mess, hence why its going here, but consider: hengreydon

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🇪🇸Hey! Twitter es un caos, si quieres ver mis ilustraciones y demás sígueme en instagram!

🇬🇧Hey! Twitter is a mess, if you want to see my illustrations and others follow me on instagram!


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GREY SQURRELS ARE HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL, in a world where many animals fail. We need to celebrate their success in our ecological mess, and not moan about them being “not native”!

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