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Damn, i forgot how much I was just a bear with an actual gator tail, its cringy looking at it! man how much things changed over over the 8 years #fursonatimeline
From akward cub who likes bothering big guys to adventurer and taking Löwenherz name, to content chub lion and now chonky captain. I still like keeping his build fat/musclechub depending on the mood of the day. Besides that still the same boring pirate lion. #fursonatimeline https://t.co/4mXYSM01k0
@Yutari2 @GallantZale Pretty sure I yeeted my old sona, but Sariel first started out as a completely white wolf with wings, but that was before I started back drawing, then when I was designing him I came up with the next pic, refined him and made him giant xD. Then I made him a dad #fursonatimeline
A new prompt for our #onceuponatimemonth challenge! Our official schedule is going to an end, guys! Thanks everybody who participates and who gives us support!❤️🙌
IG post:
Sebasterella and Gusgus for prompt 8 of #onceuponatimemonth only one more prompt to go! 💖
@nunosarnadas @DRandallArt @_jamesx3 @PaybackPenguin @RoyalstonDesign @scan_thoughts @SneakyArts @andy_fairhurst @SG_Posters @NeilDaviesArt @pbmWorks @edgar_ascensao @OrlandoArocena First one was for #TheFlash tv show (I don' have the original poster with me now just this photot) and my recent #OnceUponATimeInHollywood piece. Thank you!
Little princess
#Zelda #ocarinatime #princesszelda #MediBang #drawing #digitalart
#bonanit amados #Friends Luigi Russolo,"I capelli di Tina" #art #donaiart #elmeublau
Hoy comienzo ya #morfinatime #envena. Les deseo una noche fascinante. #muacs, ragazzi #alicelesama
“Hansel and Gretel”
Hey, here’s my first prompt for the #onceuponatimemonth challenge!
Reed more info and feel free to join:
You can't tell what's in a person's heart until you truly know them.
Beauty is found within.🥀
(Beauty and the Beast × Once Upon A Time)
#BeautyAndTheBeast #Disney #OnceUponATime
#YukaMsArtWorks #手描きイラスト
Some of the movie posters I've created this year using @Procreate #thedarkcrystal #avengersendgame #lordoftherings #OnceUponATimeInHollywood @PosterSpy @Russo_Brothers @HamillHimself
Reposting the finished piece hoping @emiliederavin will see it #tessharding #roswell #onceuponatime #belle #lost #clairelittleton #fanart #art #artist #sketch #sketchbook #creative #staedtler #generalscharcoal #illustration #copicmarkers #portfolio #artstudio #mississaugaartist
Ran out time with this one, Week #52 Happy Birthday @emiliede_ravin #roswell #tessharding #beastmaster #lost #clairelittleton #onceuponatime #belle #fanart #art #artist #sketch #sketchbook #creative #staedtler #generalscharcoal #illustration #copicmarkers #portfolio #artstudio
Hola Alice, som els teus àliens. Et recordem que ara ens pertanys. #morfinatime #Divulgo amb #dolor una realitat en forma de quadre. Una meravella de Frank Brangwyn, "Por el socorro de mujeres y niños en España",1936 #donaiart #simbologiadelcolor #simbologia #symbolism #malditos