Antonia Maury, American astronomer who worked at the College Observatory & discovered the first spectroscopic binary, was born 1866.

Further details via :

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Jocelyn Bell Burnell is an astronomer who discovered the small, fast-spinning, neutron stars known as pulsars! The discovery led to new understanding of stars, matter, magnetic fields, general relativity, and gravity. ✨ // Link:

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astronomers use a model to reveal dark threads of the — mapping the holding the together via

5 9

By focusing attention, observation, and extensive thought on astronomical phenomena, one is able to prove the unicity of God and to recognize the extent of the Creator’s might as well as His wide wisdom and delicate design.

—Al-Battani (850-929), illustrious Muslim astronomer.

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A Grimm tale of four skilled brothers, a stolen princess and an angry dragon.

Sent away by their father to learn a craft, a a tailor, an astronomer, and a hunter, do they have the right skills to save the stolen princess? 🐲

3 10

The highest mountain on Mars was first named Nix Olympica meaning 'Olympic snows' by astronomer Schiaparelli. When it was confirmed as a mountain by Mariner 9 mission, scientists renamed it Olympus Mons.

9 21

Design for my character Ava. She's an astronomer!

4 9

John Herschel, mathematician, astronomer, chemist, photographer, inventor & busy father of twelve was born 1792: "He that on such quest would go must know not fear or failing To coward soul or faithless heart the search were unavailing."

2 3

My three main Identity V OCs !
Survivor- Support [ The Astronomer ]
Survivor- Contain/Rescue [ The Medium ]
Hunter- [ The Vagabond ]

(Who will you main?)

2 21

18. Bee was just a tiny young thing when she lived in Gnomeregan (before it fell). She doesn't remember any of it. Most of her childhood was spent trying to keep up with the other Dryads in Hyjal. She grew up with a lot of inspiration around her which shaped the girl she is today

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new search strategy claims first discovery: by watching for a special kind of astronomers have identified the fingerprints of an planet orbiting a distant star via

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Astronomers Find New Way to Study Planets around Red Dwarf Stars

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in 1752, French astronomer Nicolas Louis de Lacaille discovered the Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (Messier 83). 📷 European Southern Observatory (ESO)

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Ahh I have so many.
Kieran - main character to a story about magic, love, and forgiveness.
Amber - loves girls and boba
Arina and Rune - two gods from story, v much in love and silly
Pia - can’t see well, astronomer

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Show some ❤ for as we celebrate today the 90th anniversary of its discovery by

Either some astronomers see Pluto as a dwarf planet or as the 9th we have to ♥ Pluto.

What's your thought about Pluto's planet status?

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A new article in led by astronomer Harish Vedantham reveals how opens the door to a new way of discovering 🤩

Read more:

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Nayru from Oracle of Ages, wearing the Astronomer's Coat from Animal Crossing:Pocket Camp! The trio is complete...but being biased, Din is still my favorite.

2 11

James got some design tweaks and a stable palette! not perfect but long overdue. the old star pattern on the sleeves may show up for magic effects✨
he is a ferret doll Magician astronomer observing from a strange place beyond the cosmos

6 21

I'm gonna be a lil inactive on the new art department until finals are over
An astronomer bat pony and her best friend space bug <3<3<3

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