I never thought I'd do a political cartoon in my life...

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Nuh uh, honey!🗽✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿🗽silence is compliance, and we say

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Cosplayers! We need to stick up for those hurting, we need to be beacons of hope in these dark times. Keep each other safe!

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is live! We're celebrating the stories of & Follow-us & share your story.

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This book about Syrian refugees needs to be bought for every Year 6 and secondary school classroom.

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Making America White Again:
ConmanPres. Trump signed exec. order to suspend refugees from 7 Muslim nations & give preference to Christians.

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real or imagined, policy on and worth watching keenly . cartoon for

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They will use the same logic used to justify Japanese internment camps.
The time to Step Up & Speak Out for & is NOW!

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Walk with year 5/6 around the local village to gather information for their leaflets which they are creating for local refugees from Syria.

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by Ashley Gilbertson
Jannat Raslan and her brother, Syrian refugees from Homs. Germany, on May 28, 2016.

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Stormy Seas - a powerful, beautifully designed collection of refugees' stories by and https://t.co/kBGUPvktcw

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'Empty Structures' - A new drawing, charcoal and pastel on watercolour paper, Nov 2016.

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Stories of resilience, determination and the indefatigable spirit through ARTISTS prism. Annual Gala

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Any port in a storm. New for 16/11/16. © Glen Le Lievre. https://t.co/0IjXzeEzjV

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