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The sun has been praised!!
He literally loves the heat he will sunbathe in the Saharan desert if he gets the chance.
Painting I made for my mother's 60th Birthday, depicting her Judean-Berber heritage.
#art #marocco #amazigh #illustration #fantasyart #medieval #history #tribal #desert #sahara #wacom #digitalart #characterdesign #painting #jewish #conceptart
A commission for Buckshot1130, featuring Sahara and Azure getting some happy news after their shenanigans the previous night.
PART 1: https://t.co/aGdyY4YVQt
Patreon: https://t.co/qkGVYyXx8T
Commission Form/Prices: https://t.co/KhpI8QCAgr
👀 @RyushiMiyuki (ouais désolée je suis en crise et c'est le désert du Sahara sur ce compte :x)
Honey Badger
Honey Badgers are widely distributed throughout Africa south of the Sahara, the Arabian Peninsula, Western Asia and the Indian Peninsula. Characterized by having a stocky body, they usually have a body length of 60 to 70 cm and a mass ranging from 8 to 12 kg.
Sand Cat
Romanised Name: Suna Neko
Scientific Name: Felis margarita
Distribution: Saharan Desert, Middle East, Eurasian Steppes
Japanese Name: スナネコ
Conservation Status: Near Threatened
Diet: Carnivore
Average Lifespan in the Wild: Up to 13 Years
Hace frío ❄️ #FentyBeauty
Lashes- @lashdreams in style “classy”
Contour&highlight- @NyxCosmetics “Can’t Stop Wont Stop” concealers shades “Deepest Espresso” & “Cappuccino”
Eyes- @juviasplace “The Saharan” & “The Zulu” @fentybeauty “Galaxy”
Lips- @fentybeauty “starlight”
Fennec Fox
Conservation Status: Least Concern
Romanised Name: Fenekku
Distribution: Sahara
Also known as: Fennec
Diet: Omnivore
Scientific Name: Vulpes zerda
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 10 years
Japanese Name: フェネック
@Station1DC @BirthOfHiphopNY @redfishstream These are common depictions of moors in Iberia and North Africa. There are certainly people that seem to have sub saharan African appearances, others that are simply dark skinned and others that are lighter skinned. The term 'moor' refers to a very diverse group.
Giving these oc's away! First come, first serve!
1. Candy Horn
2. Golden Touch
3. Sahara Spices (nOt uPdaTed-)
4. Venin de Lavande
: )
[SMART JEWEL] 【Sahara pink】 モバイルバッテリー 軽量 小型 薄型 かわいい おしゃれ コンパクト 5000mAh 女子用 急速充電 2台同時充電 PSE認証取得済み iPhone ipad対応 iQos対応 SSC5-PN5-BK_zd
¥ 3,400
【 #猫耳コンテスト 応募作品紹介】
二次元美少女とお絵かきが大好きなSAHARA様 https://t.co/N7Dh3uoJ8c が描く猫耳キャラ(ฅ*ↀ∀ↀ*) つ 制服セーラー服×巫女×メイドの3大萌え☆かわいい
★猫耳応募作品大募集→ https://t.co/6ct0Rs17LV
#フォトコンテスト #イラストコンテスト
@P_SaguiaelHamra @Microparasahara @Rasd_TVOficial @ECSaharaui @Redsaharaui @VePCEASsahara @lejseeuesario Ya hay cartel para la campaña de recogida de cómics que @P_SaguiaelHamra organiza este año en #HeroesComicCon (14 y 15 de diciembre) para los refugiados saharauis.
¡Dale una segunda vida a esos tebeos que tienes abandonados por casa!