ふふふ錫也本当におめでとうさんでした…急ぎで描いて荒いけど許して…( ˘ω˘ )中学生の時に見た図書室のスチルは未だに覚えております_(:3」∠)_笑錫也のお弁当って感じで公式さんが何か出してくれる希望を捨てず待ってます…

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【Happy Birthday Suzuya Tohzuki!】本日7月1日は東月錫也の誕生日! 東月錫也のSNS用アイコンを皆様にプレゼント! 是非保存して使ってみてくださいね♪

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ein beitrag zur art challenge von . thema 2, inspired by your fav quote. quote von juzo suzuya aus tokyo ghoul

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Arttrade with his OC Suzuya \o/

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Raffle prize of Juuzou Suzuya for megs_lee77

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Genderbent Suzuya!! My lil sis says he looks the same n not female like! xD oh well I tried lol

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Juuzou Suzuya is probably my favorite character in He's more of a heartless monster than the heartless monsters.

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─ baekhyun; juuzou suzuya

❝ Why should i apologize for being a monster? Has anyone ever apologized for turning me into one? ❞

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I want Suzuya safe in the next chapters :C

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Forgot about this drawing of Juuzou I made. His eyes are weird o.o

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