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Sol Badguy is the complete opposite of Saul Goodman in almost every way and I can't deal with this revelation
En el Hechizo Tierra Calcinada revelado en las Cartas de hoy, se puede ver otro Vistazo de Arrel, Una de las 3 Hermanas de Batalla de Riven
¡Hola a todos! Hoy vengo ha enseñar las formas regionales que de momento han sido reveladas y que podreis obtener en esta próxima beta 2. ¿?... ¡Parece que hay una forma regional nueva! ¿Quién será? Si quereis averiguarlo, ya sabeis😉❤️🔁
My favourite Destiny armour design is Josephine's Darkness Hive mask. The carved inscription on it is a personal fav, I drew the parallel as Guardians joining the Darkness brings the end of Light, therefore Revelations Apocalypse
Rescues & Revelations (AngelHusk Comic) Pg2
(I finished this earlier than expected, so here ya go~)
. https://t.co/u199S4JR9w
Day 10: first dance exchange! I volunteered to help run things and danced til 4am and it was a revelation
O lendário e aclamado diretor Kunihiko Ikuhara (Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Mawaru Penguindrum, Yuri Kuma Arashi, Sarazanmai) revelou numa entrevista durante à NYCC, que já está trabalhando em seu seu próximo projeto.
Eae mores, ansiosos para o comeback da lenda?
A new portfolio today from Georges Villa, his 1938 illustrations for Pierre Louÿs' 'Aphrodite', the most explicit for this popular work. His skilful use of colour lithography creates a lively sense of imagined classical sexual revelries. See them all at https://t.co/6gFq0N9rdm.
A new portfolio today from Georges Villa, his 1938 illustrations for Pierre Louÿs' 'Aphrodite', the most explicit for this popular work. His skilful use of colour lithography creates a lively sense of imagined classical sexual revelries. See them all at https://t.co/6gFq0N9rdm.
o site @THR revelou quais os lanternas verdes que irão protagonizar a série da HBO Max: Jessica Cruz, Guy Gardner, Simon Baz e Alan Scott.
A série também deve ter a presença de Killowog e Sinestro.
can you imagine the state of rambunctiousness seungho's mind was in during those hours he spent in this quite room, probably looking at the passed out nakyum while thinking of everything happened through the night and the most important thing of all, min's big revelation
La actriz Aya Cash (Stormfront en 'The Boys') estaría encantada de unirse al MCU, concretamente para interpretar a algún integrante de los X-Men, ya que ama el equipo mutante.
Los personajes que le gustaría interpretar son Rogue, Jean Grey ol Bestia.
Revelado para Screengeek.
Let's not forget For Evelyn! While Arcanbreak is in full development, I'm working on the reworked story of For Evelyn. Some aspects of the game will stay the same, while I will work on some other things.
#indiedev #gamedev #forevelyn #indiegame
A new portfolio today from Georges Villa, his 1938 illustrations for Pierre Louÿs' 'Aphrodite', the most explicit for this popular work. His skilful use of colour lithography creates a lively sense of imagined classical sexual revelries. See them all at https://t.co/oYBanK9rt1.