画質 高画質

I wish I had an excuse but this is actually a common thing I draw AHA (this is even my first Akaashi wow)

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Aha. Konbanwa minna-san-sama-chan-kun-cchi-- /dibekep

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hnnng i hope this was not inappropriate ; ; aha lol

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i am opening commissions like these for 6 $ aha

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i am gonna put a hold on this one for now aha (=^w^=)

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i was having an art block so i drew this aha

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ha ha ha ah aha
Together in flowers of life

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So about how badly I wanted to draw. I did it with my right hand. CHECK OUT THESE WOOBLY LINES AHA wait it's not bad

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What is this even about aha what the [violent cussing]

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Running out of Pinkie Pie pictures :O Time to go hunting for more aha

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HAHAHAHahaha..ahaha..haa..aha....ha '>///>

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Aha! LOVE this caricature made by of <3

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Finished new painting, "The Two Gods," relates to Warner Brothers toons & 2 godlike forces in my novel THE BIG AHA.

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aha finished coluring took longer than the drawing lol

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いよいよ今日!aha☆TV( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
19時 ON AIR!!acco&hatchiの楽しい番組です\(^o^)/絶対見てね♡みんなでaha☆しましょー

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My Shenzi illustration for graphics. What do you think (bare in mind I'm new to illustration aha)

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Aha, It's Maplemas (Christmas) Daboki. :P

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aha u cant be upset at CUTE ppl at all No matter what they do ᴖᴗᴖₓ ‼

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