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It's time for another picture book review from OPB, so come see what's terrific about Kelly Starling Lyon's newest, TIARA'S HAT PARADE (Albert Whitman, April 2020).
Name: Snow Parade MEIKO
Art by: so品
Skill: Snow Saxophone - Halves the Singing Power of all enemies for 2 turns.
Name: Snow Parade KAITO
Art by: so品
Skill: Snow Snare Drum - Deals 3 consecutive attacks to all enemies and a chance to grant "Null Normal Attacks" to all cards for 2 turns.
Name: Snow Parade Luka
Art by: so品
Skill: Snow Flute - On turn activated, increases the Singing Power of all cards put into play and deals random damage to a single enemy based on the card's Singing Power.
Annonce des figurines POP UP PARADE Good Smile Company de Uraraka Ochaco, Todoroki Shoto, Bakugo Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku 「My Hero Academia」.
※Plus d'informations prochainement.
#goodsmile #PUP #MyHeroAcademia #heroaca_a #ヒロアカ
【MUSIC/ANIME】Huwie Ishizaki To Release Case File nº221: Kabukicho Ending Theme 'Parade' As New Single
@huwie0307 #KabukichoSherlock #歌舞伎町シャーロック
https://t.co/chKSUVQq35 picrew link
A very shy friend, who mainly likes arcades, parades, and grafitti-ing over hateful messages! they get nervous around others, but bring snacks and water bottles to the parades to pass out anyways because they wanna make people smile :)
I was pleased with this panel from next week's Pup Parade. Always a pleasure to draw the Bash Street Dogs and their owners! See the full mini-strip in Beano No.4021 on Wednesday 5th Feb.