画質 高画質

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Rob Gonsalves ~ “Magic sur-Realism”

Canadian painter Rob Gonsalves surrealistic paintings portrays two seemingly d…

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Watching the Canadian national leaders debate and the middle-class be courted

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Word of Week: Middle Class.
Watching the Canadian national leaders debate and the Middle-class be courted

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Canadians! Can I get a *poot*ine ;3 ?

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Happy birthday to a certain Canadian yuri-lover. Was listening to Melody by Kate Earl the entire time, pretty catchy.

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Bob Kebic.
(Canadian, 1951~)
밥 케빅, 캐나다 출신의 화가.
하늘이 붉게 타오르는 시간.

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Fantasia Film Fest Canadian Premiere oldie MEATBALL MACHINE! http://t.co/xrbZS1xX81

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Bonus drawing: non-Canadian Overlord

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Honored to be one of the 12 favourite Canadian fashion illustrators selected by http://t.co/jxYGJUWKSw

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Table location for I'm on the back wall! ALSO - 10pm FRI, 9pm SAT.

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Starting today, we'll show you sneak peeks of our prints for Up first,

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Follow us as we go on a Canadian adventure for 3 months http://t.co/EGb9DrLpbG

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at a Canadian Radio Station & acc to http://t.co/qZ9bclICLJ in Wyoming by is best of 2015

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