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Portal 2 for PC, PS3 & Xbox 360 was released on this day in North America, 5 years ago (2011)

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District not finished 3 weeks of hell at day job, missed Salute, Amazon fail on Xbox & District not finished Bad Day

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Cover Art Revealed; Release Date is Oct. 11 on Xbox One:

Post by

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We've got a couple of Quantum Break codes to give out over the next couple of days. :) [Huge thank you to XBOX.]

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【速報】PS4 / Xbox 版『World of Tanks』を今すぐ起動する、にゃ。もれなくあのアイドル『TOG』ちゃんが配布されている、にゃ!

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You can now use your Xbox One to create (Windows) games https://t.co/xmsKZptkfu

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¡Tres títulos se unen a la retrocompatibilidad del Xbox One! https://t.co/ruu3tDko9U

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【SOSC】本日、北米にてXbox One『STRANGER OF SWORD CITY』が発売となりました。国内版は明後日の発売となります。同時にトライアル版の配信も予定しております。https://t.co/DUnlfjru1u

22 8

Todas las novedades que llegarán a Xbox One en los próximos meses. https://t.co/fByCHQYW4v

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【SOSC】3月24日(木)発売予定Xbox One 『STRANGER OF SWORD CITY』、公式サイトにて無料でDL可能な「SNSアイコンセット」を配信中。公式HPはこちら→https://t.co/DUnlfjru1u

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Rise of the Tomb Raider vendió casi tres veces más en PC que en Xbox One https://t.co/kp9TdNz2jT

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SMITE on Xbox Skin Raffle! Enter here, drawing at 2 AM ET tomorrow (24 hours)

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Killer Instinct on Xbox One is getting a Halo crossover soon https://t.co/GQhKMgRRdi

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I only have Xbox but I want to play Street Fighter V....

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