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Some concept sketches of Oleander's new design! He still looks fairly similar to his previous design, but with more defined facial features and hair. And a better beard imo

"Damn Ollie, you aged like shit."
"Stress tends to do that, I'm afraid."

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My main Inspiration is definently the comic Berserk by Kentaro Miura

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4 games that define my taste

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4 games that define my taste

não necessariamente os melhores, porém os que mais me moldaram: https://t.co/xQCiaNb6qx

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I'm mostly anime/manga inspired and do a lot of experimentation with my colors! They're all most definetely cute though <3

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i make his chin more defined than the official art, why? to make him look like hes really packing some big schlong

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Lolito y todos nosotros te apoyamos duele pero sabemos lo que esta bien para el bienestar tuyo no hay que hacerle caso a las personas son pendejetes q solo lastiman. Y como decimos las historias son ficticias que no los definen a ustedes Animo ❤️

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“define ur taste in men in four photos” haha I don’t see a similarity 🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧🦧

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got the chance to draw beautiful OC in an art trade 💜
Thank you so much for this oppertunity ~
definetly check out jess !! her art is amazing !!

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What are 4 games define your taste in gaming?
Here’s mine.

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What are 4 games define your taste in gaming? https://t.co/CNDN4EBvzV

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4 games that define ur taste in gaming.... heres an attempt https://t.co/go6MpHse7d

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The highest two current tiers, $20 and $50, BOTH include personalized requests each month you're pledged at these levels!

You can request artwork of any character(s) and any* situation you wish!


$50=Color Piece!

*Nothing NSFW! How is that defined?
Porn. No porn.

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What 4 games define your taste in gaming? https://t.co/C6Ko8Z6yL8

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What do i think defines my art style? Well...

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