메이플스토리 간담회

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신상아닌 4월 신상...의상을 그려보았습니다. 담 달엔 취향이 나오면 좋겠따.

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I'm happy how they all turned out.

3 12

일단 우리 같이 라면 먹고 얘기 하자, 에아.
First, let's eat ramyeon together and then talk, Air.
[평행세계 코믹 메이플스토리]
[AU version of Comic MapleStory]

Shumi is a good girl.

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Hey look, it's Deliki (델리키) and Bow (바우) from Comic MapleStory (코믹 메이플스토리).

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Comic MapleStory (코믹 메이플스토리) except it's a love triangle between Dodo (도도), Air (에아) and Shumi (슈미) in an AU version.

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2020. 12
메이플스토리 시나

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"나를 도와줄 수 있냐고 물었어."
(평행세계 코믹 메이플스토리)

"I asked if you could help me."
(AU version of Comic MapleStory)

I think about these two a lot whenever I re-read the comic volume 1-14. There are plot holes here and there.

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MapleStory New Job - Yeti All Skills + Bossing Showcase! https://t.co/Htkh0avceB

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메이플스토리 몬스터 의인화 합작 참여 그림
크리티아스 - 타오르는 불안

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그리고 900일째

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