That's supposed to be a phone in her hand. I drew this back when clam shell phones were a thing.

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Hitler Clam Master video? I didn't upload any video.

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About time we got a mutant hybrid on here - The Clamgaroo (half clam, half kangaroo)

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Clam-crab, robot, guy. (Out of context pretty funny by itself)

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We went shell collecting at the weekend. We'll put the clam shells in miso soup for breakfast this week.#CookingMama

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Colored sketch for Clam @ Weasyl, feat. their ocs Melvin and Rachel playing chess~

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I want Clam Chowder delivered by Left Shark at the Paul Revere House.

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Clam digging/Sailor Hanayo's skill: Every 24 notes, 36% chance of Perfect lock all goods/greats for 3 seconds.

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明日はたぶんロジのマウス買うと思うけど エレコムがCLAMマウスを5ボタンホイル付きで出すのずっと待ってる

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Sadly, I'm more like a clam.

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look at him, happy as a clam

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Dear lawyers:
My series, Clem Clam, Hillbilly Mollusk, is nothing like your show. Please stop suing me.

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RieszxDono ^q^!@#$%^&*(clam down(#

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Revised artwork for The Sinister Quahog or Never Trust a Clam.

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Clam Diggers
Willem de Kooning, 1963
Shared via

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3コマ目の"clam down"は「落ち着く」という意味ですので、ここでは「そんな大したものじゃないから、ちょっと落ち着いて」となります。

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So many bad things happened these days. Hope the world be peaceful forever. Please clam down and protect our earth.

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NO GO CONCEPTS: This sketch/comp. (paintball client-feature of the ball was pearl finish) - I imagined an evil clam

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