December flash sale pinup, Lurio Hexdrinker 🍪

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my grubsitter's a rainbow drinker

157 470

A photograph of Edward Drinker Cope’s study, taken after his death in 1897. A scientific antihero, and an arrogant sexist. But it is a very interesting story; and the follow up video (Part 2 of 3) is hopefully coming soon to the channel. Stay tuned.

2 5

ik only jades can be rainbow drinkers but also it is such a Look

14 50

"ok let's try tomake the tiniest game"
*spends an entire morning making their menu/combat "face*
(in fairness I love them very much)
In order: Ashala Mirasalor (elf), Kululu Skulldrinker (orc) and Nogrelyn Grumblehood (dwarf).

4 19

You can’t honestly look at lanque and NOT think he thinks troll twilight is good fucking literature. He loves the Rainbow drinker representation

65 219

i wish i had more time to draw but Uh. daraya post bad end comes back as a rainbow drinker?

68 237

hot take of the day: dani tazamnesty is a rainbow drinker (6/27/18)

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🍵 Pug in a mug 🍵 .
This was designed to be a sticker and maybe a tshirt..probably going to make a coffee version too...

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♡♡happy birthday you angery tea drinker !!

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I just realized I put all the drinkers as pub's workers. Luckily they're hot. or else we're going BANKRUPT.

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cartoon for today's - gets into his Health brief with a Dickensian twist. Watch out fatties, sugar junkies, drinkers and bad eaters (that's just about all of us, I suspect)

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轟爆 調酒師與酒客
tdbk the bartender and the drinker

794 2597

It has been a wretched month & I am moving once again. But here are some paintings I love that reflect my current state of mind:

Carl Gustav Carus — Faust in his Study
George Roux — Spirit
Victor Oliva — Absinthe Drinker
James Carling — (From his Poe Illustrations)

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Me: I don’t drink coffee

Coffee drinkers:

1597 5773

Quick drawing of my second bug boy Sisu. Sisu is an Mothkin (closed species by Rogue-Incubi) police officer. Quiet but caring beer drinker~

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